Collision insurance is significantly different from other forms of auto insurance you may have. This type of insurance protects you financially if you've been involved in a car collision that you've caused. It helps to pay for the losses sustained by your car. Comparatively, liability insurance pays for the damages you've caused to another person's property. Do you need collision insurance? In most cases, the answer is yes.

How Can Collision Insurance Help You?
One of the ways collision insurance helps is by providing you with protection for your belongings when you've caused an accident. This may include repairs to your vehicle or the cost to replace it (depending on the type of coverage and your limits).
Additionally, if another driver is involved in a car accident with your vehicle and he or she causes the collision to occur, this insurance can also help to pay for your losses. It can help if and when the other driver's insurance is not present or is not enough to cover the losses. Although with some insurers, you may need to own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to receive protection in those instances.
In addition to these areas of coverage, collision auto insurance also can help by providing some protection in instances not typically covered by other components of your car insurance. For example, if you do not have comprehensive auto coverage to protect against theft or vandalism, you may be able to have some of those costs covered under collision insurance. You may also get some coverage in situations where a hit and run incident occurred.
Do You Need Collision Insurance?
If you would suffer financially if your vehicle was involved in a significant accident—and perhaps not be able to replace your car—then it makes sense to carry collision insurance. This way, if you are involved in an accident that you've caused (even if it is not due to reckless driving or poor skills) you can have the financial peace of mind you need.
If you are unsure if this type of auto insurance is a good fit for your needs, talk to your agent. Learn more about how it can be one of the most valuable forms of insurance to maintain.
Are you covered? Call Insurance Partners of KS for more information on Kansas City auto insurance.
Posted Tuesday, September 05 2023 11:45 AM
Tags : Auto Insurance
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